Districtwide Truck Safety Enforcement Plan
This Truck Safety Enforcement Plan was created to help the District improve compliance with truck weight regulations.
The purpose was to develop a Districtwide truck safety enforcement plan that identifies safety concerns regarding truck
operations in the city and assesses the economic impacts of overweight/oversize vehicles. The study estimated that
overweight trucks are the source of damage worth about $20 million each year to District’s pavements and bridges.
City of Falls Church Master Plan
This Plan established a pedestrian and bicycle network to create connections to schools, parks,
libraries, neighborhoods, commercial corridors, and transit. The implementation plan, as prepared
by KLS, includes the following:
Pedestrian, Bicycle and Traffic Calming Master Plan.
This primary document lists all recommended improvement projects for new sidewalks, bicycle
facilities, spot improvements, and traffic calming. The Plan includes more than 1,000 projects,
large and small, planned for completion in the next 20 years and valued at more than $22 million.
Projects include constructing 12 miles of new sidewalks, reconstructing 35 miles of existing
sidewalks and curb ramps, installing 20 miles of bike lanes and shared bike lane markings, and
improving more than 20 intersections including the five W&OD Trail crossings and five corridors.
Safe Routes to School Travel Plan.
This document identified the barriers to walking and biking to school and includes the recommended
projects and policies that will improve walking and biking safety. VDOT recognized the Plan as one
of the “best” and awarded almost $0.5 million.
Self-Evaluation Update and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan for Public Rights of Way.
KLS conducted an inventory of existing pedestrian facilities within the City right-of-way
(approximately 441 individual sidewalk segments [36 miles] and 649 curb ramps) to provide
a baseline of the location and condition of the existing facilities. This data was used to
recommend improvements to pedestrian facilities and to comply with ADA requirements.
DDOT East Capitol Street Pedestrian Safety Design Project
This project examined the existing and future traffic, transit, and pedestrian and bicycling conditions to improve
pedestrian safety and access as related to street crossings, transit stops, sidewalks, and traffic calming along
East Capitol Street Corridor between Stoddert Place and Southern Avenue. KLS also conducted a comprehensive ADA
assessment for 3.8 miles of sidewalk covering over 100 curb ramps and 16 intersections for APS, pedestrian signal timing, etc.
KLS provided design recommendations consistent with the DDOT Master Plan. We also worked in close connection with the community
and DDOT to address project concerns. KLS is also undertaking all project roadway design, including four (4) new intersections
inclusive of traffic signals and other ITS systems such as HAWK and Rapid Flash beacons, new curb and gutter, signing and marking,
upgrading pedestrian amenties to ADA requirements, landscaping (inclusive of LID designs as applicable), drainage/hydraulic to improve
water flow, additional parking lanes, new bike lanes, and required MOT. The corridor design is intended to significantly improve safety
and mobility and provide the residents with an improved quality of life.
FHWA Roadside Design Technology Transfer Program
KLS Engineering, LLC wins FHWA contract to provide specific technical expertise and support nationwide for both generic and proprietary roadside safety features such as longitudinal barriers, end treatments, attenuators, and transitions to State DOT’s, with emphasis on improving safety for all roads in the 17 RD Focus States – Specific tasks included:
Workshop development/facilitation for State DOT designers, maintenance, and installers on roadside safety systems.
Development of Roadside Safety Best Practices Guides.
Conducted Technology Transfer Web Conferences to expand audience reach.
Development of Certified Installer Training (CIT) – workshop materials and facilitation
The CIT provided industry personnel with updates to current as-specified roadside safety policy, specifications and standard details on specific State-specified components and/or systems.
Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and Validation and Verification Analysis (V&V)
computer simulation for evaluating alternative designs and changes to roadside safety hardware.
The KLS team is working with numerous State DOTS including Pennsylvania, Florida, Louisiana, Delaware, Ohio and Tennessee.
FHWA Informational Report on Methods to Achieve Speeds on Rural and Suburban Roadways
The project objective is to develop an informational report that describes roadway treatments that result
in driver self-selection of appropriate operating speeds on curve and tangent sections of rural and suburban
roadways that are not access-controlled. This project involved the following tasks:
Synthesis of roadway features, treatments, and design processes that influence operating speeds and safety.
Identification and analysis of speeding-related crashes using local transportation agency data.
Identification and field evaluation of speed reduction treatments (high-friction surfaces, optical speed bars, converging chevron markings, and reallocation of roadway width).
Preparation of marketing, communications, and outreach plan to disseminate results of project to practitioners.
Norfolk LRT
KLS conducted safety reviews (including non-motorized accommodations) on all stages of design, including roadway,
track and stations. Project consists of 11 miles, 10 stations. Cost estimated at $288M.
HSIP Program
KLS reviewed numerous high-crash locations under the HSIP Program for DDOT. Recommendations involved
all Es (Engineering, Enforcement, Education, Evaluations, EMS).
DC Pedestrian Strategy
KLS adopted a calculated approach to help DDOT develop a strategic program to create a pedestrian-friendly environment. The plan
established a vision, goal and strategic direction with projects over the next 20 years. Estimated implementation cost is $50M.
New York Avenue Bridge
KLS conducted constructability review(s) as well as extensive field investigations to develop the Transportation Management Plan
(TMP) for the New York Avenue Bridge over CSX. The TMP involved numerous projects, including:
Resurface/Rehabilitate of Brentwood Road.
Replace 9th Street Bridge.
Rehabilitate New York Avenue Bridge.
Traffic Safety Improvements.
Reconstruct First Street NE.
Estimated construction cost is more than $100 M.
Traffic Records Strategic Plan
KLS developed the TRS plan mandated by the SAFETEA-LU legislation.
It is a coordinated / integrated IS plan that will improve traffic records
collection, analysis, and reporting. Estimated costs for plan projects are $17M.
11th Street Bridge
KLS is part of the 11th Street Project Design / Build Team, a project estimated to cost $265M.
The project will allow better regional connections and provide drivers with easy accessibility
to neighborhoods, historic areas, parks and interstates. The Transportation Management
Plan (TMP) that KLS developed addresses Maintenance Of Traffic (MOT), Traffic Operations (TO) and
Public Information (PI).
Strategic Highway Safety Plan
KLS developed the SHSP for the District of Columbia - a collaborative effort that involved participants from seven DC agencies.
This comprehensive, 20-year strategic safety plan formulates the framework for advancing the District's safety activities and
establishes a new direction for the District's transportation system.
CV Size and Weight
KLS is developing the CV Size and Weight enforcement system plus e-citation. KLS will also develop a District
Truck Safety Enforcement Plan.
CDI Program
KLS completed development of the FHWA Crash Data Improvement Guide and accompanying
work shop. KLS is further tasked to support 17 State DOTs to review, assess, and provide technology support on their crash database systems.
Asset Management Framework
KLS was part of the (NCHRP) Project 20-74 team that developed a practical framework for applying asset management
principles and practices to managing Interstate Highway System investments.